Explore More & Travel Better with Tripio

Custom itineraries in less than 60 seconds. Know the best places to go, and the best things to do, see, eat & experience!

Available now on both iOS and Android!
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Tripio is the app for
good eats
all things
travel & adventure
Trip Creator
Top 10 Lists
Explore Locations
Detailed Activities
Bucket List
Share Trips
Custom Trip Creator
Tripio is the first app to create the itinerary for you!
Similar to Google Maps, where you navigate through the locations. Custom Trip Creator (Trip Creator)
Did you know the average person spends 30 hours planning a trip? Drop that from 30 hours to 30 seconds. Simply set your trip preferences and let Tripio do the rest!
Personalized Itineraries
Be inspired by others and save their slots 2
We’ve done all the research to help make your life easier. In a matter of seconds, Tripio's proprietary technology creates the perfect trip for you!
Personalized Top 10 Lists
Be inspired by others and save their slots 3
Tired of the same old commercialized Top 10 lists? So are we! From your trip preferences, Tripio creates a unique Top 10 tailored to you.
Explore Locations
Similar to Google Maps, where you navigate through the locations. It’s a new way of keeping track of dates. Explore Locations (Rio Map)
Filter down to find exactly what you're looking for and discover places you'd never experience otherwise.
Detailed Activities
Be inspired by others and save their slots 5
Learn everything you need to know about a location or activity. What to bring, the weather, photos, video, and more!
Personal Bucket List
Be inspired by others and save their slots 6
Create and save experiences you know you gotta have and watch your dreams become reality!
Follow Travelers
Be inspired by others and save their slots 7
Kiss the days of bugging that friend or person on Instagram for trip advice goodbye! Just follow them on Tripio and view their itineraries. Like Spotify for travel!
Share Trips
Be inspired by others and save their slots 8
"Omg! Your trip looked amazing. I'm headed there next month, will you send me everything you did?" is now answered with a single tap of a button instead of a short novel that takes forever to write.
Coming Spring 2021!

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Tripio Waiting List!

We're adding new people to the beta every few days. Tripio launches publicly this summer!

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